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Opera in semi-staged form

After the successful performance of the Roberto Devereux opera with the main character of Queen Elizabeth I., the Opera of the State Theatre Košice continues Gaetano Donizetti´s Tudor Trilogy with the story about her mother Anne Boleyn. We will present the opera Anne Boleyn in semi-staged form.

Choir singers as soloists

The project HIDDEN VOICES / VOCI NASCOSTE presents members of the Opera Choir of the State Theatre Košice, who only occasionally sing minor solo characters in opera productions, in addition to their long-term performance in the Opera Choir.

One of the most popular pieces of the opera repertoire

„ After Shakespeare´s tragedy Hamlet and Leonardo´s portrait of Mona Lisa, The Magic Flute is the third great mystery of our culture.“ Peter von Matt, Swiss philologist and writer

A multi-genre theatre performance.

As a special gift, the National Theatre Košice brings you a multi-genre performance about the life of St. Nicholas, not only for children. The interactive production opens magical windows into the Saint´s life, but also points to the constant struggle between good and evil that sorrounds us every day. .

Semi-stage performance of the opera in three acts

The story of the opera is the story of the ruler Roger as a representative of a social system, a world of rationality, discipline and faith, disrupted by a mysterious Shepherd.  With the arrival of a modern prophet, who preaches hedonism and self-indulgence and is followed by crowds, not only the existing social order will be shaken, but Roger´s personal transformation will also begin.

Peter Valentovič & Friends

V novej divadelnej sezóne 2022/2023 sme pripravili pre našich divákov tri výnimočné koncerty s klaviristom a šéfdirigentom Petrom Valentovičom a jeho  priateľmi, v rámci ktorých sa náš šéfdirigent predstaví s novým netradičným programom.