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Ondrej Šoth, Andrej Petrovič: ORBIS PICTUS

World in pictures, life forms

Lenght of Performance
105 minutes with break
Place of Performance
Historická budova

World in pictures, life forms is dedicated to the memory of all victims of the War in Ukraine.

Love as consonance of happiness and abstention, music that reflects Universe.

The story of love, dedication, and vulnerability that is inspired by the poems of the greatest Italian writer of his generation Alessandro Manzoni and music of his fascinated admirer Giusseppe Verdi.

Directed by and music dramaturgy:Ondrej Šoth
Choreography 1st part:Andrej Petrovič
Choreografia 2nd part:Ondrej Šoth
Dramaturgy 1st part:Eva Gajdošová
Dramaturgia 2nd part:Zuzana Mistríková
Music:Giuseppe Verdi, Ben Frost, Daniel Bjanmason
Scenographz and costume design:Andrej Suchanov
Films projection:Sergej Jegorov
Assistants choreography:Shoko Yaamada, Eva Sklyarová, Jana Kolesová Hriadeľová, Maksym Sklyar
Assistant director:Šimon Stariňák
Stage managers:Beáta Gogová, Lena Képesová


Vírus:Lukáš Nastišin, Viktor Mikulišin
Verdi:Jakub Kuka
Manzoni:Matej Marušin
Manzoni's wife:Alena Ďuránová
Death:Titusz Tóbisz
Life:Michaela Várady
Verdi's soul:Šimon Stariňák, Jozef Marčinský
Life:Tatiana Lubskaya, Lyudmyla Kolimečkov Vasylyeva
Woman:Shoko Yamada, Vlada Shevchenko
Man:Gennaro Sorbino, Maksym Sklyar
Death:Sergej Jegorov, Martin Bányai
Suicide:Kostiantyn Lubko, Viktor Mikulišin, Ervín Szelepcsényi
Conductor:Peter Valentovič

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